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大型开云网页登录 的重大意义

发布时间:2024-05-14 来源://m.leshep.com/

  大型开云网页登录 的重大意义

The significance of large-scale military models


1. Accelerate the development of weapons and equipment


In the era of informatization and intelligence, weapons and equipment, especially advanced weapons and equipment, often rely on software support. The big model technology can accelerate the development of weapons and equipment from a fundamental level by improving software development efficiency. Under the traditional R&D model, the development of weapon and equipment software requires professional programmers to collaborate for a long time. The large model technology has the ability to automatically generate code, which enables non computer professionals to be competent in certain research and development work, greatly reducing development time. In addition, in the process of weapon equipment generation, large model technology can also achieve precise control of the weapon equipment production process by generating robot control codes, reduce labor costs, and improve the efficiency of weapon equipment research and development.


2. Promote the development of combat simulation


The combination of large model technology with other intelligent generation technologies can promote the development of combat simulation. Combat simulation is an important technology that provides military decision-making basis, improves military training level, and verifies weapon and equipment capabilities. Its core is the simulation restoration of key combat elements. The traditional combat simulation modeling process usually requires the cooperation of computer experts to implement military concepts, and military personnel often find it difficult to independently construct virtual battlefields. Due to the need for continuous communication across multiple fields, it often leads to long development cycles, difficult modifications, and huge costs. By relying on large model technology to automatically generate programs, text, images, videos, and even simulation models, military personnel can independently and flexibly construct combat simulation scenarios based on military needs through simple human language descriptions, significantly improving combat simulation capabilities.



3. Improve the effectiveness of military training


The large model technology can effectively overcome the temporal and spatial limitations of experience inheritance, significantly improving the efficiency of military training. Currently, due to the limitations of the mobility of trainees and the scope of information transmission, the accumulation and inheritance of military training experience are affected to a certain extent. The big model technology can evolve by continuously feeding training data, precipitating and digesting the experience of predecessors and various participating units, so that training experience can be vertically inherited in the time dimension and horizontally transmitted among participating units. It can also improve military training level by analyzing historical combat cases and extracting training points. At the same time, large model technology can be combined with intelligent task planning systems to transform analysis results into specific training tasks and scenarios. Based on this, targeted training can be implemented to continuously improve military training efficiency through continuous absorption, analysis, and evolution of data.


4. Improve the speed of intelligence analysis


Large model technology can effectively address the challenges of information explosion and multi-source information fusion, and improve the speed of intelligence information fusion processing. In future operations, the information flow generated by multi domain combat spaces such as land, sea, air, space, and electricity poses higher requirements for the decision-making of commanders. On the one hand, big model technology can rely on its powerful language analysis ability to extract intelligence information in real-time through open source information such as news reports. On the other hand, various types of intelligence information can be quickly integrated with the battlefield situation, which can shorten the generation time from information to intelligence, reduce the processing pressure and analysis bias brought by massive data, and respond to different user needs in a timely manner and provide diversified choices. The ultra fast information processing and analysis capabilities of large model technology can provide strong support for real-time decision-making of commanders.

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This article is carefully provided by a large-scale military model. If you want to learn more, please click on our website: //m.leshep.com We will answer you with the greatest enthusiasm!
