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您当前所在位置 首页>> kaiyun平台信誉好 >> kaiyun平台手机网页版 大型舰船模型:舰船由哪些部分组成?




The ship mainly consists of the following parts:

  1. 船体:船体是舰船的基本结构,包括耐压艇体和非耐压艇体,采用高强度钢材,由许多耐压或非耐压舱壁、甲板等分隔成若干舱室。

1. Hull: The hull is the basic structure of a ship, including a pressure resistant hull and a non pressure resistant hull. It is made of high-strength steel and is divided into several compartments by many pressure resistant or non pressure resistant bulkheads, decks, etc.

  2. 武器系统:战斗舰艇中,有以航空母舰为基地的舰载攻击机、舰载歼击机、舰载反潜机、舰载预警机以及舰载侦察机和电子对抗飞机等;有战略导弹潜艇装备的潜地导弹,其它战斗舰艇装备的舰舰导弹、舰空导弹、反潜导弹和鱼雷、水雷、舰炮、深水炸弹、电子对抗系统;还有反水雷舰艇装备的扫雷具和猎雷设备。

2. Weapon system: In combat ships, there are carrier based attack aircraft, carrier based fighter aircraft, carrier based anti submarine aircraft, carrier based early warning aircraft, as well as carrier based reconnaissance aircraft and electronic countermeasure aircraft; Submarine missiles equipped with strategic missile submarines, ship to ship missiles, ship to air missiles, anti submarine missiles, torpedoes, mines, naval guns, depth charges, and electronic countermeasures systems equipped with other combat vessels; There are also minesweepers and minehunting equipment equipped on anti mine ships.


  3. 动力装置:包括主机(如内燃机、蒸汽轮机、推进电机组以及核动力装置等)、传动设备和轴系(如离合器、减速箱、轴系、推力轴承等)、机舱机械设备和动力管路(如发电机组、空压机、燃油泵、滑油泵、冷却水泵、机舱内各箱柜、维修设备、滑油管路、燃油管路、冷却水管路、压缩空气管路和排气管路等)。

3. Power equipment: including the main engine (such as internal combustion engines, steam turbines, propulsion motor sets, and nuclear power plants), transmission equipment and shaft systems (such as clutches, gearboxes, shaft systems, thrust bearings, etc.), mechanical equipment and power pipelines in the engine room (such as generator sets, air compressors, fuel pumps, oil pumps, cooling water pumps, various cabinets in the engine room, maintenance equipment, oil pipelines, fuel pipelines, cooling water pipelines, compressed air pipelines, and exhaust pipelines, etc.).

  4. 自动控制系统:为实现无人机舱所设置的自动控制系统。舰船动力装置还包括甲板机械,特种机械和船舶系统,包括保船系统和生活系统。

4. Automatic control system: an automatic control system set up to achieve unmanned cabins. The ship's power plant also includes deck machinery, special machinery, and ship systems, including ship protection systems and living systems.


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