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Overall design


1. Determine airfoil


We need to choose different airfoils based on the different uses of the model aircraft. There are many airfoils, thousands of different. But in summary, the airfoil of an aircraft can be roughly divided into three types. One is the flat convex airfoil, which is characterized by high lift, especially during low-speed flight. However, the resistance is moderate and not very suitable for flying backwards. This type of airfoil is mainly used in practice and real aircraft. The second is the biconvex airfoil. The characteristic of biconvex symmetric airfoils is that they generate lift at a certain angle of attack and do not generate lift at zero degrees of attack. The nose pitch of the aircraft does not change much during normal and incoming flight. This type of airfoil is mainly used in stunt aircraft. The third is the concave convex airfoil. This type of airfoil has a higher lift, especially at slow speeds, with better lift performance than other airfoils, but also higher drag. This type of airfoil is mainly used in gliders and special aircraft. In addition, the thickness of the wings is also carefully considered. The same airfoil has a thicker low-speed lift, but also higher drag. Low speed engines with smaller thickness have lower lift, but also lower drag. In fact, when it comes to choosing an airfoil, it is a relatively complex and technically advanced issue. The basic determination idea is to determine the required Reynolds number for the aircraft based on parameters such as flight altitude, wing chord, and flight speed, and then find the appropriate airfoil based on the corresponding Reynolds number and your aircraft model. Moreover, many real aircraft airfoils cannot be directly used for model aircraft, and so on. This issue will not be elaborated on here. The common shapes of wings are divided into rectangular wings, swept wings, delta wings, and spindle wings (elliptical wings). The rectangular wing structure is simple and easy to manufacture, but it is heavy and suitable for low-speed flight. The swept wing has a gradual transition from the root to the tip, and its structure is complex, making it difficult to manufacture. Another function of sweep back is to produce an up reflection effect of 1-2 degrees when the wing installation angle is 0 degrees. The production of delta wings is complex, and the angle of attack at the wing tip is not accurate. The wing root is subjected to a large force, and the root needs to be specially strengthened. This type of wing is mainly used on high-speed aircraft. The force on the spindle wing is relatively uniform, and the production difficulty is not small. This type of wing is mainly used in real aircraft. Treatment of wing tips. Due to the pressure below the wing being greater than the pressure above it, vortices are formed at the wing tips from bottom to top, which induce drag at the wing tips, resulting in loss of lift and engine power. In order to reduce the influence of wing tip vortex, people adopt the method of changing the shape of the wing tip to solve it.


2. Determine the area of the wing


Whether a model aircraft can fly, whether it is easy to fly, and whether the takeoff and landing speed is fast, the wing load is very important. Generally speaking, the wing load of a glider is below 35 grams per square centimeter, while the wing load of a regular fixed wing aircraft is between 35-100 grams per square centimeter, similar to a real aircraft with a wing load of 100 grams per square centimeter or even more. Also, the aspect ratio of a regular fixed wing aircraft should be between 5-6. After determining the area of the aileron and the size of the wing, it is time to calculate the area of the aileron. The aileron area should account for about 20% of the wing area, and its length should be between 30-80% of the wing.


3. Determine wing installation angle

以飞机拉力轴线为基准, 机翼的`翼弦线与拉力轴线的夹角就是机翼安装角。机翼安装角应在正0 -3度之间。机翼设计安装角的目的,是为了为使飞机在低速下有较高的升力。设计时要不要安装角,主要看飞机的翼型和翼载荷。有的翼型有安装角才能产生升力,如双凸对称翼。但是,大部分不用安装角就能产生升力。翼载荷较大的飞机,为了保证飞机在起飞着陆和慢速度飞行时有较大的升力,需要设计安装角。任何事物都是一分为二的,设计有安装角的飞机,飞行阻力大,会消耗一部分发动机功率。安装角超过6度以上的,更要小心,在慢速爬升和转弯的的情况下,很容易进入失速。

Based on the aircraft tension axis, the angle between the chord line of the wing and the tension axis is the wing installation angle. The wing installation angle should be between positive 0-3 degrees. The purpose of wing design installation angle is to provide higher lift for the aircraft at low speeds. Whether to install angles during design mainly depends on the aircraft's airfoil and wing load. Some airfoils have installation angles to generate lift, such as doubly convex symmetric wings. However, most can generate lift without the need for installation angles. For aircraft with large wing loads, in order to ensure a high lift during takeoff, landing, and slow flight, it is necessary to design installation angles. Everything is divided into two, and an aircraft designed with installation angles has high flight resistance and consumes a portion of engine power. For installation angles exceeding 6 degrees, be even more careful as slow climbing and turning can easily lead to stalling.



4. Determine the opposite angle on the wing


The upper corner of the wing is to ensure the lateral stability of the aircraft. An aircraft with an upturned angle can still turn with the rudder when the wing ailerons are not working. The larger the upper angle, the better the lateral stability of the aircraft, and vice versa. However, the upper and lower corners also have their duality. The plane's lateral stability is too stable, which is not conducive to rapid roll, which is exactly what stunt planes do not need. So, typical stunt machines adopt a 0 degree upward angle.


5. Determine the center of gravity position


The determination of the center of gravity is very important. If the center of gravity is too forward, the aircraft will sink and it will be difficult to lift up during takeoff and landing. At the same time, during flight, a large amount of elevators are required for balancing, which also consumes a lot of power. If the center of gravity is too far back, the pitch will be too sensitive, difficult to operate, and even cause excessive pitch. The center of gravity of a typical aircraft is at 25-30% of the average aerodynamic chord length behind the leading edge of the wing. 27-40% stunt machines. Within the allowable range, the center of gravity should be appropriately advanced, and the aircraft should be relatively stable


6. Determine the length of the fuselage


The ratio of wingspan to fuselage is generally 70-80%.


7. Determine the length of the machine head


The length of the nose (referring to the distance between the leading edge of the wing and the plane behind the propeller) is equal to or less than 15% of the wingspan.


8. Determine the area of the vertical tail wing


The vertical tail is used to ensure the longitudinal stability of the aircraft. The larger the vertical tail area, the better the longitudinal stability. Of course, the size of the vertical tail area also depends on the aircraft's speed. The faster the aircraft, the larger the vertical tail area, and vice versa. The vertical tail area accounts for 10% of the wing area. On the basis of ensuring the area of the vertical tail, the shape of the vertical tail can be designed according to personal preferences.


9. Determine the area of the rudder


The rudder area is approximately 25% of the vertical tail area. If it is a stunt aircraft, the rudder area can be increased.


10. Determine the airfoil and area of the horizontal tail wing


The horizontal tail is also a very important issue for the entire aircraft. It is necessary for us to first understand the aerodynamic trim principles of conventional layout aircraft. Visually speaking, the aerodynamic balance of an aircraft in the air is like a person carrying water. The shoulders are the overall focus of the aircraft's lift, the center of gravity is the front bucket, and the horizontal tail is the rear bucket. The total focus of lift does not change with the angle of attack of the aircraft and is always fixed at a point. Firstly, the center of gravity is located at the front of the total lift focal point, so its function is to provide a downward torque. From this, it can be seen that the functions of the horizontal tail and wings are exactly the opposite. They are used to generate negative lift, so their role is to achieve lift torque to achieve aircraft trim. From this, it can be seen that the horizontal tail can only use biconvex symmetric airfoils and flat airfoils, and cannot use lift planar convex airfoils. The area of the horizontal tail should be 20-25% of the wing area. I selected 22% and calculated that the area of the horizontal tail wing is 89100 square millimeters. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the width of the horizontal tail is approximately equal to the chord length of 0.7 wings.


11. Determine the elevator area


The area of the elevator is approximately 20-25% of the horizontal tail area. If it is a stunt aircraft, the elevator area can be increased.


12. Determine the installation position of the horizontal tail wing


The distance from the leading edge of the wing to the horizontal tail (i.e. the length of the tail arm) is approximately three times the chord length of the wing. This distance is short, and the response is sensitive during operation, but the pitch is not precise. When this distance is long, the control response is slightly slower, but the pitch is more precise. The actual application of this theory is that the fuselage length of F3A is greater than the wingspan, and its main purpose is to achieve accuracy. The three elements of vertical tail, horizontal tail, and tail force arm combined are called "tail capacity". The size of the tail capacity refers to its contribution to the stability and attitude changes of the aircraft. Let's use real airplanes to illustrate this issue. Aircraft like the MiG 15 and F16 are designed with large and high vertical tails to ensure longitudinal stability during high-speed flight. Even the SU27 and F18 are designed with dual vertical tail fins. And for transport and passenger planes, the vertical tail is much smaller.


13. Determine landing gear


The landing gear of a general aircraft is divided into two types: the front three-point and the rear three-point. The first three landing gears make it easy to control the direction during takeoff and landing. But when landing rough, it is easy to damage the landing gear, and when turning quickly, it is easy to roll to the side, causing damage to the wings and propellers. Although the direction control during takeoff and landing is not as good as the first three points at the last three points. But other aspects are better than the first three. Especially its ability to withstand rough landings greatly increases the confidence of beginners. The installation position of the front landing gear must be about 8 centimeters in front of the aircraft's center of gravity to avoid turning the somersault during taxiing.


14. Determine the engine


Generally speaking, the power to weight ratio of a glider is around 0.5. The power to weight ratio of a regular aircraft is around 0.8-1. The stunt machine has a power to weight ratio greater than 1. When installing the engine, there should be downward and rightward installation angles to address the impact of propeller slippage on the left yaw of the aircraft model and the lift increase causing the aircraft model to lift up during high-speed flight. The method is to use the tension axis as the reference, and when viewed from the back to the front, the engine should have an installation angle of 2 degrees pulled to the right and 1.5 degrees pulled down. Of course, depending on the aircraft, this angle needs to be further adjusted according to the actual situation during flight.


In terms of power to weight ratio, our model aircraft is very different from real aircraft. Our aircraft models can easily achieve a power to weight ratio of 1, while the power to weight ratio of real aircraft is mostly between 0.3 and 0.6, and only high-performance fighter jets can approach or exceed 1. That is to say, many of our flights in the flight model are conducted under critical stall and non severe stall conditions, such as sharp turns, sharp ascents, cranes, etc. at low speeds. It's just that the stalling situation is masked due to the high pulling force of the engine. So when we fly the aircraft model, we rarely get the feeling of flying a real airplane. This is also the main reason why many of our friends are prone to stalling and crashing when flying real aircraft.


Draw a three sided diagram


Based on the design and calculation results above, we can draw the aircraft we need. The main purpose of drawing a three sided diagram is to obtain the desired aircraft effect and determine the shape and position of each component. To provide you with a basic blueprint for your future work.


Draw a structural diagram


The main purpose of drawing a structural diagram is to determine the layout and production steps of each component. For example, which component uses what material, which component is made first and which component is made later, the method of combining components, and so on. If you are confident, this step can be omitted.


Layout and assembly


According to the blueprint you have drawn, a one-to-one layout should be made. The purpose is to bond the various components on the layout diagram during the assembly of aircraft components.
