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您当前所在位置 首页>> kaiyun平台信誉好 >> 行业资讯手工制作舰船模型涂装的基本原则



涂装对于舰船来说是非常重要的,它有防止锈蚀,防止海洋生物附着,以及标识等作用。那么手工制作 大型舰船模型涂装的基本原则是怎样的呢?
Painting is very important for ships. It can prevent corrosion, prevent marine organisms from adhering, and mark. So what are the basic principles of hand-made large ship model painting?
Simulation principle
Painting is mainly for the simulation requirements of the model, not just for the appearance. The color of the painting is based on the real ship. The perfect painting should truly reflect the historical style of the real ship. Excellent model makers work very hard on color recognition, and slight color changes will affect the taste of the model. The professional judges of the model pay more attention to the simulation of coating.
Principle of coating applicability
Coatings on the market have various functions. For the simulation model, acrylic acid and nitro paint are suitable. This kind of coating is easy to dissolve, spray and control, and the coating surface is thin and textured. The professional paints in model shops are basically of this type, but there are many similar paints on the market, which are relatively cheap, so you can choose. In addition, pay full attention to the color of the paint. There are bright, matte and semi matte coatings on the market. It is recommended to choose one similar to the texture of the original ship. At the same time, the size of the model should be considered. The brightness of the small model can be slightly higher.
Spraying priority principle
Coatings are divided into spraying and hand coating. Spraying is to spray paint on the coated surface with a spray gun. Hand painting refers to dipping paint on the model with a brush. Generally speaking, spraying is more uniform, delicate and beautiful than hand painting. Therefore, in principle, spraying shall be given priority, and hand painting shall be carried out only when spraying cannot be carried out (such as dotted line coloring or small irregular pattern drawing, etc.).
The painting of ship model generally includes pen painting and spraying. As the name suggests, pen painting is to brush up with a brush dipped in the model paint. Spraying needs the help of spray pump and cover belt. The advantage of pen coating is simple and cheap, and the advantage of spraying is that it is suitable for large-scale or regular pattern coating. In terms of the effect of finished products, spraying is far better than pen coating, and both are better than not coating. After the coating, the modules are closed, and the production of the whole model is basically completed. Children's shoes with higher requirements for fineness can also make cables, flags and other details, and the fineness can be raised to a higher level.
到此大家对舰船模型的制作涂装也有了一定的了解了吧,希望大家能在制作的过程中对船舶有更加深入的了解,更多相关的内容就来网站 m.leshep.com进行关注咨询吧!
Now you have a certain understanding of the production and painting of ship models. I hope you can have a deeper understanding of ships in the process of production. For more relevant content, please visit m.leshep.com Com for attention and consultation!