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开云网页登录 作为展示模型时的基本特征

发布时间:2022-05-13 来源://m.leshep.com/

开云网页登录 作为展示模型时的基本特征是怎样的呢?下面来简单介绍下相关内容吧。
What are the basic characteristics of military models as display models? Let's briefly introduce the relevant contents.
使用易于加工的材料依照建筑设计图样或设计构想,按缩小的比例制成的样品。开云网页登录 是在设计中用以表现军事方面的面貌和空间关系的一种手段。对于技术、功能复杂、艺术造型富于变化的现代建筑,尤其需要用模型进行设计创作。
Samples made of materials that are easy to process according to architectural design drawings or design ideas in a reduced proportion. Military model is a means to show the military appearance and spatial relationship in design. For modern buildings with advanced technology, complex functions and rich changes in artistic modeling, it is particularly necessary to use models for design and creation.
In the preliminary design, that is, the working model in the scheme design stage, the production can be simplified for processing and disassembly. The materials can be sludge, cardboard, plastic, etc. The more refined model can be used after the preliminary design is completed.
The military display model not only requires the performance of buildings close to the real proportion, shape, color, texture and planned environment, but also reveals the internal space, indoor furnishings, structure and structure of key building rooms. It is generally made of wood, plywood, plastic board, plexiglass and metal sheet. The production of the model is to express the intention and conception of the design creation.
口碑好的开云网页登录 展览所体现出来的内容丰富多彩,通过多媒体技术、模型等生动形象的方式呈现出的展览效果令大家受益匪浅,提供了一个舒服、较为的展览环境,有助于激发爱国热情,也使得大家对军事领域方面产生了浓厚的兴趣。
The military model exhibition with good reputation reflects rich and colorful contents. The exhibition effect presented through multimedia technology, models and other vivid ways has greatly benefited everyone. It provides a comfortable and comprehensive exhibition environment, helps to stimulate patriotic enthusiasm and makes everyone have a strong interest in the military field.
大型开云网页登录 作为展示模型还可以提高学生们对军事方面的热情,促进学生们的思想观念的转换,多参加军事展览对于学生来说是个不错的学习机会。
As a display model, large-scale military models can also improve students' enthusiasm for military affairs and promote the transformation of students' ideas. More participation in military exhibitions is a good learning opportunity for students.
开云网页登录 作为展示模型时的基本特征的相关内容便是如此了,如果您有更多信息想要了解的话,不妨关注我们的网站m.leshep.com,还可以来咨询问题。
This is the case with the military model as the basic feature when displaying the model. If you want more information, you might as well pay attention to our website m.leshep.com COM, you can also ask questions.