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您当前所在位置 首页>> kaiyun平台信誉好 >> 行业资讯关于舰船模型保养的6个参考要点



舰船模型保护非常重要,我们知道模型是用来展示舰船特点以及功能的,模型的好坏同样影响到船质量人们心中留下的印象,掌握正确的保养方法,可以让模型长期保持光鲜亮丽的外观。舰船模型结构复杂,尤其一些舰船模型里面包括有很细节,在日常保养的时候要注意。下面 大型舰船模型厂家整理了一些模型保养方法。
The protection of ship model is very important. We know that the model is used to show the characteristics and functions of the ship. The quality of the model also affects the impression left by people on the quality of the ship. Mastering the correct maintenance method can keep the model bright and beautiful for a long time. The structure of ship models is complex, especially some ship models contain very detailed information, which should be paid attention to during daily maintenance. The manufacturers of large ship models have sorted out some model maintenance methods.
1. Avoid sunlight as much as possible. Many materials will deform when heated, which will lead to model deformation.
2. To avoid cracking on the model, raising the turf, short circuit of the line, do not place the model in a high temperature or humid environment (temperature: 5 ℃ - 35 ℃, humidity: 30% - 80%), and prevent strong wind.
3. The model is fragile and should be avoided from collision, extrusion and hard objects. If small objects fall, they should be carefully kept and re-adhered by technicians. Generally, the production company has after-sales service.
4. During the display, there should be obvious signs to remind the visitors not to squeeze the glass cover or the surrounding glass, so as to avoid damage to the glass and damage to the visitors.
5. If you want to move, you must find a technical moving company. Many materials of the model are fragile and will be broken if you are not careful.
6. The correct cleaning method of the model: after the model is soaked and screwed dry with a clean and soft towel or cloth strip, gently wipe it carefully on the dust cover, and try to avoid touching the balcony, floating height, frame, lightning rod and other objects.
关于舰船模型保养的6个参考要点就讲解到这里了,您有什么疑惑或者需求就来我们网站 //m.leshep.com咨询了解吧!
Here are the six reference points for ship model maintenance. If you have any doubts or needs, please come to our website //m.leshep.com Ask about it!