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您当前所在位置 首页>> kaiyun平台信誉好 >> 行业资讯怎样看大型舰船模型的制作工作图纸?



我们在制作各种舰船模型以前,先接触到的就是一份 大型舰船模型工作图纸,它不仅告诉我们模型的种类、名称、外形和尺寸,同时还可以使我们了解模型的各个零部件的情况。有些模型的图纸还简要地介绍模型的内部结构、动力装置、部件装配、控制系统和制作方法等。因此,认真地看图纸,搞清各种技术要求,对准备材料和工具、考虑制作方法等都是十分重要的。
Before making various ship models, we first came into contact with a large ship model working drawing, which not only tells us the type, name, shape and size of the model, but also enables us to understand the situation of various parts of the model. Some model drawings also briefly introduce the internal structure, power device, component assembly, control system and manufacturing method of the model. Therefore, it is very important to carefully read the drawings and clarify various technical requirements for preparing materials and tools and considering the manufacturing methods.
In order to understand the working drawing of the model, you should first be familiar with the meaning of various lines in the drawing. There are thick solid lines, thin solid lines, dotted lines, dotted lines and broken lines.
Thick lines generally represent the outer surface of an object - the contour lines that are visible to the eye. The dotted line often represents the occluded contour line. Thin solid lines are used to represent dimension lines, extension lines, leaders, and section lines. Dots and dashes often represent the center line, position line and axis of an object. Broken places are indicated by broken lines. The oblique section line, center line, position line and axis shall be used for the section of the object.
Broken places are indicated by broken lines. The oblique section line shall be used for the section of the object. In addition, M φ And other alphabetic symbols. M stands for scale. For example, M1:1 represents the size of the object in the figure and the size of the object. M1: 2, indicating that the size of the object in the figure is 1/2 of the real object.
However, attention should be paid to distinguishing the scale between the drawing and the actual ship and the scale between the drawing and the model size. Where is the symbol representing the diameter of a circular object or hole, and R is the symbol representing the radius of a circular object or hole. These symbols are written before the numbers. The unit of length is usually the millimeter (mm).
舰船模型的工作图纸,一般包括总布置图、船体型线图和零件图。有的图纸还给出部件的装配图和动力装置安装图等。简易和初级的舰船模型图纸,除总布置图和零件图外,也要有船体简单的型线图或每块横隔板的外形图,这对初学制作是很有用的。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //m.leshep.com咨询!
The working drawings of the ship model generally include the general arrangement drawing, the hull line drawing and the part drawing. Some drawings also show assembly drawings of components and installation drawings of power units. In addition to the general arrangement drawing and parts drawing, the simple and primary ship model drawing should also have the simple hull profile drawing or the outline drawing of each diaphragm, which is very useful for beginners. Come to our website for more relevant content //m.leshep.com consulting service