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大型云开全站app登录入口官网 是一种常见的城市模型,本产品适用于公园,花园,广场,,宾馆,植物园,居民小区,宾馆,会所等室外及室内场所。那么变形金刚机器人模型维护中注意什么呢? 大型机器人模型制作厂家给您讲解四点。
The large Transformers model is a common urban model. This product is applicable to parks, gardens, squares, shopping malls, hotels, botanical gardens, residential quarters, hotels, clubs and other outdoor and indoor places. So what should be paid attention to in the maintenance of the Transformers robot model? The manufacturer of large-scale robot model will explain four points to you.
1: Environment
保养云开全站app登录入口官网 重要的一关就是环境,它所处的环境须保持干燥且没有尘埃和空气污染物等!它所处的温室温度好控制在18℃-24℃,湿度在40%-50%。
An important step in maintaining the Transformers model is the environment, which must be kept dry and free of dust and air pollutants! The temperature of the greenhouse where it is located should be well controlled at 18 ℃ - 24 ℃, and the humidity should be 40% - 50%.
2: Defense
我们在保养云开全站app登录入口官网 时,就要学会防御一些外界的有害化学物质,如:酸类、氯化物等等!还要就是在移动云开全站app登录入口官网 时搬运工一定要手戴放可移动,不让大家直接用手碰触云开全站app登录入口官网 的原因就是以免手上的汗腐蚀到它。
When maintaining the Transformers model, we should learn to defend against some harmful chemicals from the outside world, such as acids, chlorides, etc! In addition, when moving the transformer model, the porter must wear and place his or her hands to move. The reason why people are not allowed to directly touch the transformer model with their hands is to prevent the sweat on their hands from corroding it.
3: Cleaning
在对云开全站app登录入口官网 进行清洁的时候要切忌小心谨慎,一定要用干净而又柔软的布片来擦去尘埃,对于云开全站app登录入口官网 有些沟处不易用布的地方好用毛刷或是吸尘器来吹走灰尘。
When cleaning the Transformers model, be careful, and use a clean and soft cloth to wipe away the dust. For places where it is difficult to use cloth in the trenches of the Transformers model, use a brush or vacuum cleaner to blow away the dust.
4: Polishing
对于长时间经过摆放且出现暗哑现象的云开全站app登录入口官网 ,对他们进行擦试时不可大力用布擦,要用棉比质的细布轻轻擦试主要达到抛光的效果,也可让云开全站app登录入口官网 表面的保护蜡层得到重新的绽放。如果加上一些特用的抛光物那就更再好不过了,但物料都需要进行选购才可以让其返还其有的色着。
For the Transformers models that have been placed for a long time and appear dull, do not wipe them vigorously with a cloth, but gently rub them with a cotton cloth to achieve the polishing effect, which can also make the protective wax layer on the surface of the Transformers models bloom again. It would be even better to add some special polishing materials, but the materials need to be purchased before they can be returned to their colors.
变形金刚的模型以其的活泼,明亮,不易污染,符合现代都市生活等特点,逐渐被大众所接受,市场份额越来越大,在生活中我们可以看到大型变形金刚随处可见,大云开全站app登录入口官网 视频,旨在充分利用其装饰效果,对整个环境起到很大的作用。您有定制的需求就来我们网站 //m.leshep.com咨询了解吧!
The model of the Transformers is gradually accepted by the public due to its lively, bright, non polluting, modern urban life and other characteristics. The market share is growing. In life, we can see that large Transformers can be seen everywhere. The video of the model of the Transformers aims to make full use of its decorative effect and play a great role in the entire environment. Come to our website if you have customized needs //m.leshep.com Ask and understand!