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要制作出比较完善的飞机模型,需要遵循一些基本的空气动力学和物理原则。下面 大型飞机模型厂家从三个问题点出发来讲解下这个问题,希望能够给您好的帮助。
To make a more perfect aircraft model, we need to follow some basic aerodynamic and physical principles. Next, the manufacturer of large aircraft model will explain this problem from three points of view, hoping to help you.
How to determine the wing type of the model?
When we want to consider the design of an aircraft model, we must first focus on designing the wing of the model. Generally speaking, different aircraft models have different wing types. The first type is flat convex airfoil, which can provide relatively large flight power, but has high requirements for operators. The second type is double concave airfoil. The wing of this model is symmetrical, and has certain requirements on thickness, which is relatively complex, but it will provide better aerodynamic effect during flight.
How to determine the size of the model?
To make the aircraft model lift off smoothly, the size of the model must be accurately parameterized. For a model of an aircraft, the thickness, length and shape of the material will provide different extension forces and flight speeds. Even if it is the same aircraft model, different sizes may have completely different final flight effects.
How to determine the contact air area of the model?
For an aircraft model, the flying effect and takeoff and landing speed are closely related to the area of air contact. The area of contact air is too large to be controlled. If the area of contact air is too small, the resistance is too large and it is difficult to fly. For some gliders and special aircraft, the area of contact air means whether the aircraft can land stably and safely, whether it can provide stable lift, etc.
要制作质量上乘的飞机模型,材料的影响也是不可忽略的。在制作过程中要去掉多余的工业痕迹。减轻飞机的模型的重量,同时也要多次试飞,根据经验调整飞机的模型使用的材料。关注我们 //m.leshep.com,为您提供多个种类的模型!
To make a high-quality aircraft model, the influence of materials cannot be ignored. During the production process, redundant industrial traces should be removed. Reduce the weight of the aircraft model, and at the same time, conduct multiple test flights, and adjust the materials used for the aircraft model according to experience. Follow us //m.leshep.com , providing you with multiple types of models!