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您当前所在位置 首页>> kaiyun平台信誉好 >> 行业资讯大型舰船模型可以二次改装吗?



目前市场上购买 大型舰船模型的顾客,通常都存在着需求差异,仅就部分顾客,即是专门为了收藏、把玩才购买模型的群体,一直都有共同的问题:能不能改装模型?下面厂家为您分析一番。
At present, customers who buy large-scale ship models in the market usually have different demands. Only some customers, namely those who buy models for collection and play, have a common problem: can they modify the models? The following manufacturer will analyze for you.
1: Understand the characteristics of the model
Before officially providing suggestions, the manufacturer hopes that the customer can have a comprehensive understanding of the large ship model first, because if they are not familiar with the characteristics of the model, they will modify it at will, which will inevitably damage the model. The characteristics of the model are divided into two aspects. First, the model is fixed on the bracket, and its minor accessories are static models, so it is not easy to directly take either the main body or the accessories
2: Difficulty in disassembling the model
The manufacturer thinks that if it is necessary to modify, the customer should at least have the technology to disassemble the model, because once the model is damaged, or it is difficult to support on the bracket, or the model surface leaves a scar, the appearance of the large ship model will be negatively affected, even the basic ornamental function cannot be guaranteed.
3: Difficulty of local painting
Some customers just want to change the painting of large ship models, which does not necessarily require dismantling the models. However, if only local painting is considered, there may not be many problems in the modification. Especially when painting deck accessories, because the static models cannot be moved directly, it obviously needs to waste more time and have good painting technology to ensure the final painting effect.
4: High reliability of added parts
Accessories on large ship models, such as aircraft and helicopters, can actually be added. If customers have purchased small military models, they can directly place the accessories on the aircraft carrier, which is not difficult in fact. However, if you want to fix them, it is better to choose a fixing agent with high quality and no traces.
总体而言,对模型进行二次改装的整体难度高,厂商通常都不建议顾客自行动手,假如有特殊需求,不妨可以定制模型。您有需求就来我们网站 //m.leshep.com联系咨询看看吧!
In general, the overall difficulty of secondary modification of the model is high, and manufacturers usually do not recommend customers to do it themselves. If there are special needs, you may as well customize the model. Come to our website if you need //m.leshep.com Contact and consult!