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在现场安装完成后完全防水,里边也不会有漏水这一情况发生。但仍然有很多客户因为安装工人不妥而导致坦克钢架松动,或者电动机短路,致使产品瘫痪。那 大型坦克模型都有那些安装运输注意事项呢?
After the on-site installation is completed, it is completely waterproof and there will be no water leakage inside. However, there are still many customers whose steel frame of the tank is loose or the motor is short circuited due to improper installation workers, resulting in product paralysis. What are the precautions for installation and transportation of large tank models?
1. Crane is required for installation of large tank model. As long as the boom is long enough, there is no restriction on the tonnage of the crane. When lifting a large tank model with a crane, pay attention to whether the steel wire rope is fixed and whether it is perpendicular to the ground.
2. When using steel wire rope to bind the parts of large tank model, it is also necessary to pay attention to being perpendicular to the ground, so that it is more convenient to align the flange and tighten the screws.
3. When processing the cutting at the installation position, please use household needles and thread to sew the cutting, and use acid glass glue to spread the sewn cutting evenly. If the glass glue is not used for waterproof, it will form a dinosaur to cut off the water and damage the motor in case of heavy rain.
4. The chassis of large tank model is fixed according to different requirements of Party A. Some need expansion screws, some need hardened chassis of cement and commercial concrete. However, no matter which method is used to fix the chassis, large tank models need to be fixed with wind ropes. The super large tank has a large windward surface, and must be fixed with wind rope to ensure safety.
5. Regardless of the size of the tank model, it is always made of gasoline diluted paint and other materials. This is very flammable information. Especially at the time of installation, the gasoline of the tank was evaporating. Once it encounters Mars, it will burn immediately. Therefore, smoking should be strictly prohibited, or the consequences of fire will be unimaginable.
6. Because the large tank model installed by the workers belongs to high-altitude operation, the workers need to increase the standby safety rope when binding the safety rope and wear the dry powder fire extinguisher at all times to avoid danger.
大型坦克因为体型巨大基本上都置放于室外,但为了考虑,每个坦克出厂时都会事前预留出一个法兰盘或者距离,恐龙模型安装不妥形成的后期影响是巨大的,一般我们都会指派工作经验丰富的安装工人来帮助客户正确安装。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //m.leshep.com咨询了解吧。
Large tanks are basically placed outdoors because of their huge size. However, for the sake of safety, a flange plate or safety distance is reserved before each tank leaves the factory. The late impact of improper installation of dinosaur models is huge. Generally, we will assign experienced installers to help customers install correctly. For more information, please visit our website //m.leshep.com Consult and understand.