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开云网页登录 制作时需要沙盘模型的参与


在日常生活中我们也见过不少军事题材的影视作品了,我们常常会看到作战的时候指挥员站在一个地形模型前研究作战的方案和展示,其实这就是军事沙盘模型,这种模型的演练和战术研究对于实战操作时非常有意义的,那么在开云网页登录 制作的时候需要注意哪些方面的问题呢?
In daily life, we have seen many films and TV works with military themes. We often see commanders standing in front of a terrain model to study the plan and display of operations. In fact, this is the military sand table model. The exercise and Tactical Research of this model are very meaningful for actual combat operations. What aspects should be paid attention to when making military models?
1. Sand table landform production.
The sand table simulates the landform in time to facilitate the commander to observe the layout, so the production of landform is very important, which is an important link in the production of military sand table. The production of sand table landform is to control the basic shape and contour line of the landform, then spend the corresponding positions of various landforms on the sand table, and then insert flags. The height of the flag is the proportion height of the landform plus the thickness of the underlying sand, and then the sand table with more flags is piled up, Truly restore the landform.
2. Making of sand table setting
The last step is for the landform, and this step timely makes some facilities on the sand table, including houses, railways, bridges, trees and independent features, roads and rural roads are represented by paper (cloth strips) with different widths, and forests are represented by twigs or green sawdust. This step mainly pays attention to that the size of features should be adapted to the horizontal scale, and the relationship position should be correct
3. Sand table base production
When qianzhanglou rises from the ground, the building production needs to build a good base, and the same is true for the production. First of all, we need to place the sand box stably, and then let the sand and soil, such as sand and soil, level and compress the sand and soil with tools, and then mark the edge on it, and the number represents different landform facilities, etc.
4. Post inspection
It is mainly to check whether the scale of the military sand table is correct, whether the scale is marked, and the north-south direction of the sand table model. If there is a need for a coordinate network, thin lines can be used to make a coordinate network.
5. Tactical settings
The sand table tactics of the large-scale military model are set by using objects to simulate our army and the enemy army. The specific settings need to be determined according to the tactics.
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The above is all about the problems and precautions introduced to you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website //m.leshep.com , our staff will contact you in time.