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The design of large aircraft model is to use the model to implement the design idea and formulate the design scheme. What does the design of large aircraft model include? And model design is the perfection and optimization of its own design concept. Let's take a look at the problems that should be paid attention to in large-scale model design.
Contents during aircraft model manufacturing
(1) The overall large-scale aircraft model is designed. The model is visual and intuitive. The overall layout is conceived. The model is used to fully display the spatial relationship between relevant facilities in the area. Multiple schemes can be compared to make the overall design scheme perfect and reasonable.
(2) Model design of large aircraft for equipment layout: it is mainly used by process installation designers to conceive, formulate equipment layout schemes, compare various schemes, improve the quality of preliminary design, and effectively control the floor area and investment.
Three points for attention in aircraft model design
Since the aircraft model design is not just a simple aircraft, but the overall integration of the model and the surrounding environment, there should be corresponding proportions and scales between the aircraft and the surrounding scenes. If special treatment is required for individual cases, at least ensure the accuracy of the overall proportion. Regardless of the size of the model itself, the visual effect must be harmonious without false feeling.
The texture problem largely reflects the reality. If the texture of the model itself is not strong, there will be differences. Using the designer's hands to create models, even if the actual situation in life has not changed, people can also believe that objects are in front of people through art and virtual ways. This also includes aircraft model design knowledge to establish this connection.
从造型的性质来看,模型是真实物体的微观版本。 大型飞机模型设计包括飞机与周围环境的关系,这时候就需要相应地改变光照颜色。如果一味追求实体飞机的本色,就会显得“脏”。通过灵活而谨慎的方法来实现环境与飞机色彩的融合,这些杂乱的色彩拼贴将失去吸引力和活力。
From the nature of modeling, the model is the microscopic version of the real object. Large aircraft model design includes the relationship between the aircraft and the surrounding environment. At this time, it is necessary to change the lighting color accordingly. If we blindly pursue the true colors of physical aircraft, it will appear "dirty". Through flexible and prudent methods to achieve the integration of environment and aircraft color, these messy color collages will lose their appeal and vitality.
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