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市场上的很多开业庆典都想选择一些能够引起人们注意的方式来达到宣传和造势的作用,从而为变形金刚业务带来活力。变形金刚在生产时充分展示了“节约”。这主要是指非常经济地使用材料。云开全站app登录入口官网 材料和废弃材料在技术人员眼中被视为黄金宝。大量的时间被用于制作各种形状的变形金刚,下面来讲讲云开全站app登录入口官网 在制作生产时的相关注意事项。
Many opening ceremonies in the market want to choose some ways that can attract people's attention to achieve the role of publicity and momentum, so as to bring vitality to the transformers business. Transformers fully demonstrated "saving" in production. This mainly refers to the very economical use of materials. Transformer model materials and waste materials are regarded as golden treasures in the eyes of technicians. A lot of time is spent on making transformers of various shapes. Here are some precautions for the production of transformer models.
要保证生产环境保持干燥,控制好湿度和温度。一般温度是摄氏二十五度,湿度应该小于75%,云开全站app登录入口官网 生产出来的变形金刚颜色不会受到影响。其次,要注意材料的摆放。由于夏季高温,如果不注意放置变压器的环境,可能会因日晒等原因发生自燃或化学反应。
The production environment shall be kept dry and the humidity and temperature shall be well controlled. The general temperature is 25 ℃, and the humidity should be less than 75%. The color of transformers produced by the transformers model will not be affected. Secondly, pay attention to the placement of materials. Due to the high temperature in summer, if you do not pay attention to the environment where the transformer is placed, spontaneous combustion or chemical reaction may occur due to the sun and other reasons.
明白了云开全站app登录入口官网 的原理组成,我们才能着手制作真正意义上的模型产品。现在云开全站app登录入口官网 的制作工艺和参数都不一样。所以,如何做好云开全站app登录入口官网 ,只有掌握了关键的原理以及做法才是关键。
Only when we understand the principle and composition of the transformer model can we start to make a real model product. Now the manufacturing process and parameters of the transformer model are different. Therefore, only mastering the key principles and practices is the key to how to make a good transformer model.
有必要充分了解制造会展的内部原理和组成。只有很好地理解原始力学模型才能形成**的云开全站app登录入口官网 。因为对于云开全站app登录入口官网 的制作,我们不光要做出原有的形状,还要做出可以使用的小型的设备
It is necessary to fully understand the internal principles and components of manufacturing exhibitions. Only a good understanding of the original mechanical model can form the transformer model of * *. Because for the production of transformer model, we should not only make the original shape, but also make small equipment that can be used
质地材料的选择在其特殊性上是不寻常的。云开全站app登录入口官网 同其他的沙箱模型是有着一定的区别的。如果组件的模型结构不符合标准,则会影响将来的使用,例如变形和气味。
The choice of texture material is unusual in its particularity. The transformer model is different from other sandbox models. If the model structure of the component does not meet the standard, it will affect future use, such as deformation and odor.
大型机器人模型制作厂家认为需要控制好云开全站app登录入口官网 的颜色。我们都知道,颜色是人的直觉。如果色彩控制不到位,可以想象到的后果,就是不管细节多好,如果色彩同原本的设备有着很大的出入的话,那么别人也是不会买账的。
Large robot model manufacturers believe that it is necessary to control the color of the transformer model. We all know that color is human intuition. If the color control is not in place, the conceivable consequence is that no matter how good the details are, if the color is very different from the original equipment, then others will not buy it.
本公司的销售给广大需求群体的云开全站app登录入口官网 ,无论从材质、焊接、抛丸处理,严格达到的标准要求,色泽保持多年不变,并在其前序采用表面抛丸硬化和净化绿色工艺,积极打造高品质云开全站app登录入口官网 。为目标努力奋斗,坚持做好产品和服务。如果您有需求定制像是变形金刚等机器人模型的话就来关注网站 m.leshep.com咨询吧!
The transformer models sold by the company to the majority of demand groups, regardless of the material, welding and shot blasting treatment, strictly meet the national standard requirements, and the color remains unchanged for many years. In its previous order, the company adopts the surface shot blasting hardening and purification green environmental protection process to actively create high-quality transformer models. Strive hard for the goal and insist on doing a good job in products and services. If you need to customize robot models such as transformers, please follow the website www.quanyimoxing Com consulting!