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Like manned aircraft, type a aircraft is mainly composed of five parts: wing, tail, fuselage, landing gear and engine.
Wing is a device that generates lift during flight of model aircraft and can maintain the lateral stability of model aircraft during flight.
Tail - including horizontal tail and vertical tail. The horizontal tail can maintain the pitching stability of the model aircraft, and the vertical tail can maintain the directional stability of the model aircraft. The elevator on the horizontal tail can control the lift of the model aircraft, and the rudder on the vertical tail can control the flight direction of the model aircraft.
Fuselage - the main part that connects all parts of the model into a whole is called the fuselage. At the same time, the fuselage can be loaded with necessary control parts, equipment and fuel.
Landing gear - a device for taking off, landing and parking of model aircraft. One landing gear at the front and three landing gears at the back are called the front three-point type; There are three landing gears on both sides of the front, and the rear landing gear is called the rear three-point type.
Before the invention of aircraft, aviation model had a strong exploratory nature. After the invention of aircraft, aviation model is still a necessary tool to study aviation science. The trial production of each new aircraft must first be tested with a model in the wind tunnel. Even an advanced aircraft such as the space shuttle must go through the model test stage and obtain the necessary data before it can succeed.
(2) Aviation model is a very practical instrument. In the Han Dynasty, kites were used to measure distance and transmit information. With the development of aviation model, especially the improvement of radio remote control model aircraft, aviation model is used more and more widely.


For example, radio controlled model aircraft can be used as target aircraft for air shooting training of troops and militias. During training, the aircraft model target is controlled by radio remote control equipment to complete flight actions such as straight-line flight, turning, rising and diving, and even perform stunts such as parachute dropping, model rocket launching, bomb dropping and target dropping on the target. During live firing, you can drag a color target bag tens of meters away from the tail of the model aircraft target, and take the target bag as the target to avoid damaging the target aircraft < p > for another example, if a camera is installed on a radio remote control model aircraft, it can take aerial photography on the ground, shoot some wild animals and plants that are not easy for people to approach, and even shoot some dangerous thrilling scenes or battle scenes.
In addition, the model aircraft can be used to carry pesticides to kill insects, and the model aircraft can be used to drag a nylon wire from one mountain to another, and then replace it with a steel cable for high mountain stringing. Model aircraft can also be used to fly into the clouds, release catalysts, carry out artificial rainfall, and so on.
(3) Aviation model is a toy to popularize aviation knowledge.
Aviation model activities play a great role in popularizing aviation knowledge and cultivating aviation scientific and technological talents. Many famous aviation scientists loved aviation models very much when they were young. The Wright brothers in the United States loved to play with the flying spiral (bamboo dragonfly) when they were young, resulting in a strong interest in aviation. Armstrong, captain of Apollo 11, an American lunar spacecraft, also loved aerial models when he was a child. He installed a wind tunnel in the basement of his home to test his model aircraft, which undoubtedly had a great impact on him to become the first person to set foot on the moon in the world. There are also many famous aircraft designers, rocket designers and pilots in China. They were aircraft model lovers when they were young.
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