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According to the market survey, Xiaobian learned that many people like transformers. In the movie, it is full of combat power. Xiaobian believes that many people have thought about how good it would be if they were transformers.

关于心中念念不忘的变形金刚很多市民经常去外地看各种展览,小编在这里通知您一个好音讯,在济南就能看到变形金刚,各种样式应有尽有,不是玩具店中的玩具,是大型的云开全站app登录入口官网 ,十米多的‘大黄蜂’、‘擎天柱’您见到了吗?不用去外地就能见到,济南有一家共同的云开全站app登录入口官网 生产厂家。

Many people often go to other places to see all kinds of exhibitions. Here is a good news for you. You can see transformers in Jinan. There are all kinds of styles. They are not toys in toy stores. They are large-scale transformers models. Have you seen the more than 10 meters of "Bumblebee" and "Optimus Prime"? You don't have to go to other places to see that Jinan has a common transformer model manufacturer.


Nowadays, the artistic beauty brought by sculpture to the city can not be replaced, and it has also become a manifestation of the city's beauty. Don't think that a sculpture is easy to complete. It is the result of many technicians who don't eat and sleep for many days. We just look at its beautiful appearance, but we don't know what it pays behind.



In the commercial exhibition, we see the "behemoth" presented. We are more novel and excited about its presentation, but we don't have too much understanding of it. At the beginning, thousands of failures are exchanged for one victory. As long as the victory is a progress for them, from the incomprehension of materials to today's skilful, who doesn't know the effort behind it.


Looking at it from a distance, you can only see a large object, which can emit light. However, when you look at it from a close point, you can see its components, ranging from a screw to a few meters of steel sheet, which are all painstakingly combined by skillful technicians, that is, the "Bumblebee", "Optimus Prime" and other alien fighters we are shaking.


The cheers of children and the photos of young people are good proof. We can see how much we are waiting. Many people don't understand its "internal structure". Xiaobian tells you that the transformers we see in major shopping malls are made of scrap iron. They don't cost too much, and they can make a living transformer.
