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静态开云网页登录 在制作中需注重三方面


近些年展览馆以及博物馆中出现了越来越多静态开云网页登录 。这些模型形态各异但却都又栩栩如生,特别是那些优良的开云网页登录 更是能在瞬间吸引众多观众的眼球,现在就制作 大型开云网页登录需要注意哪些细节作简要阐述。
In recent years, more and more static military models have appeared in exhibition halls and museums. These models have different shapes, but they are all lifelike. Especially those excellent military models can attract the attention of many audiences in an instant. Now I will briefly explain what details need to be paid attention to when making large-scale military models.
1. Pay attention to avoid details distortion
According to relevant introduction, some trumpet players and Xinshengda's ships are prone to distortion of details and other abnormal phenomena during polishing and correction due to their small size. At this time, it is beneficial to enrich the details of small ship models by using metal modification parts, which can greatly improve the fidelity of such small ship models. However, its etching, bonding and folding processes require greater patience and care.
2. Pay attention to correction and grinding operation
制作静态开云网页登录 时还需要注意修正与打磨等操作。一般来说修正打磨需要根据不同的部分使用不同的打磨器材,比如修正舰船模型的水口需要先用笔刀将多出来的部分切掉,然后再用细砂纸进行细细打磨,另外还需要注意某些舰船模型的树脂材较脆,打磨与修正时要掌握好力度以免损坏舰身。
When making static military models, attention should also be paid to correction and polishing. Generally speaking, different polishing equipment should be used according to different parts for correction and polishing. For example, the nozzle of the ship model needs to be cut off with a penknife first, and then finely polished with fine abrasive paper. In addition, it is also necessary to note that the resin material of some ship models is brittle, and the strength should be controlled during polishing and correction to avoid damage to the ship body.
3. Pay attention to hand painting and painting
据反馈部分静态开云网页登录 可以进行喷漆操作,但是也有部分模型只能进行手涂操作,比如伊势号航空战舰模型。对于各种坦克飞机舰船建议优先选择喷漆,一般来说需要干油漆搭配稀释剂进行使用,但是在喷漆时要注意喷笔距离模型,因为太远有可能会造成模型漆面太薄;若是太近则有可能造成喷漆厚度过厚。
According to the feedback, some static military models can be painted, but some models can only be painted by hand, such as the model of the aircraft warship Ishi. For various tanks, aircraft and ships, it is recommended to give priority to painting. Generally speaking, dry paint and thinner are required. However, when painting, pay attention to the distance between the spray pen and the model, because too far away may cause too thin paint surface of the model; If it is too close, the paint thickness may be too thick.
美观的开云网页登录 都是在细细的打磨与修整中被逐步创造,因此在制作静态开云网页登录 时除了需要避免细节失真外,同时还需要注意修正与打磨操作,同时也要注意适当地选择手涂与喷漆。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //m.leshep.com咨询吧!
Beautiful military models are gradually created in the process of fine polishing and finishing. Therefore, when making static military models, in addition to avoiding the distortion of details, attention should also be paid to the correction and polishing operations, as well as the proper selection of hand painting and painting. Come to our website for more relevant content //m.leshep.com Ask!