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您当前所在位置 首页>> kaiyun平台信誉好 >> kaiyun平台手机网页版 简单分析:大型舰船模型的试航与调整



大型舰船模型在放航台上放航离手后,在水中是不受任何控制地向前驶去。对于这类模型,都有航向和航速的两方面的要求:航向要求准直;航速一般要求越快越好。下面来讲讲 大型舰船模型的试航与调整事项。
After the large ship model is released from the navigation platform, it will go forward without any control in the water. For this type of model, there are two requirements of course and speed: course requires alignment; The speed is generally required to be as fast as possible. Now let's talk about the trial and adjustment of large ship models.
Before the sea trial, a comprehensive inspection shall be carried out for the model on shore, such as whether the power unit is firmly installed, whether the connection of the motor shaft meets the requirements, whether the power supply voltage is normal, whether the power supply contact is good, whether all the fastening screws in the ship are loose, etc. After the inspection, conduct an idle run on the shore. If there is no problem, you can launch it for adjustment.
Launching adjustment is mainly to inspect the stability and water tightness of the ship model. Place the model on the water surface stably. First, check the water tightness of the model and whether the hull and shaft sleeve are leaking. If water leakage is found, the leaking part must be found and marked, and filled with filler after the ship body is dry. In order not to damage the painting of the hull surface, it shall be filled from the interior of the hull. If the shaft sleeve leaks, some lubricating oil can be injected into the shaft sleeve to prevent or reduce water from seeping into the cabin from the shaft sleeve, and also reduce the friction when the propeller rotates.
After these works are completed, check whether the water surface is flush with the waterline of the model when the model floats statically. The draft of the model can be adjusted to the predetermined waterline. If the weight is not controlled during fabrication, the model is made too heavy, the draft is too heavy during static floating, and the resistance is large during navigation. In addition, there is a risk of flooding and sinking in case of slight wind, waves and obstacles.
If the draft is too shallow, the boat will be like a floating leaf, which is easily affected by the wind and waves. It will sail unsteadily and swing left and right with the wind and waves. The draft is too shallow. It can be solved by placing heavy objects such as iron blocks, lead blocks or sandbags on the bottom of the boat. However, the ballast must be fixed, otherwise the ship model will tilt to one side or even capsize once it slides during navigation.
When adjusting ballast, pay attention to the attitude of the model during static floating. If the bow draft is too deep and the tail is lifted, "bow tilt" will occur; On the contrary, if the stern sinks and the bow lifts, it will cause "stern inclination". At the same time, eliminate the "left" or "right" attitude. These attitudes are abnormal, which will affect the course and speed of the ship model. Therefore, carefully adjust the position of ballast and battery in the cabin to make the model reach the correct static floating state.
模型的静浮姿态正常以后,将舵放正,并紧固螺母定位。试航地点好选择风浪小,水面较平静,水不太深,还须有足够的试航水域,同时还要选择顺风或侧风的方向作为放航方向。试航时,距离一般由近到远。初次试航的距离要稍近为宜,对面要有人接船。还有什么相关问题可以随时来我们网站 //m.leshep.com做咨询!
After the static and floating attitude of the model is normal, put the rudder upright and fasten the nut for positioning. It is better to choose a trial site with small wind and waves, relatively calm water surface and not too deep water. There must also be enough trial waters. At the same time, the direction of downwind or crosswind should be chosen as the sailing direction. During the sea trial, the distance is generally from near to far. The first trial should be a little closer, and someone should pick up the ship from the opposite side. If you have any other questions, please come to our website at any time //m.leshep.com Consulting!