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舰船是我们国人的自豪和骄傲,其 大型舰船模型也是众多船模爱好者的心头好,想必大家船模的观赏价值以及收藏价值都有很高要求,为了保证定制效果符合预期标准,确保仿真效果更好细节处理刻画更加的好,建议要明确下面这些具体问题。
Ships are the pride and pride of our people, and their large ship models are also the favorite of many ship model enthusiasts. Presumably, everyone's ship models have high requirements for their ornamental value and collection value. In order to ensure that the customized effect meets the expected standard, and ensure better simulation effect, better details, better treatment and portrayal, it is recommended to clarify the following specific issues.
1. Understand the specific factors of price positioning
Customization is affected by many factors in terms of price positioning, such as customization size proportion, material selection and material standards, as well as customization manufacturers' investment costs in designing and customizing production, which will lead to normal changes in prices. It is recommended that consumers determine the quotation based on the actual situation. It is suggested that specific analysis should be carried out in combination with specific situations. Never blindly covet cheap prices, nor blindly pursue expensive prices.
2. Pay attention to the manufacturer
Choosing manufacturers to provide customized services can really ensure that the customized production effect is very good. We must pay attention to the manufacturer's service and after-sales guarantee to determine whether the price meets the industry standard. Different types of manufacturers will have different levels of technical level in terms of production customization. Of course, there will be differences in production experience and qualification. In order to avoid affecting the effect of customized collection, it is recommended to understand the manufacturer's technical conditions and service capabilities.
3. The size proportion should be appropriate
In order to achieve good results and meet the collection requirements, we must pay attention to the standards in terms of details, especially the appropriate size proportion, so that the integrity and unity will be better. The natural ornamental value will be improved, and it can also meet the collection requirements to avoid affecting the visual effect.
对于一些收藏玩家来说,我们对于舰船模型的细节处理、还原程度、材质等预期是十分高的,我们在选择定制厂家时一定要注意以上这些细节标准。只有考虑这些细节问题之后,才能选择值得信赖的厂家定制,才能得到我们想要的模型。关注我们 //m.leshep.com了解更多事项吧!
For some collectors, we have very high expectations for the details processing, restoration degree and material of the ship model. We must pay attention to these detailed standards when choosing a custom manufacturer. Only after considering these details can we choose a reliable manufacturer for customization and get the model we want. Follow us //m.leshep.com Learn more!