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1. Materials
Model making is closely related to materials. From the early unearthed clay model, to the early use of wood and paper materials, and then to the current organic molecular materials and alloy materials, this change benefits from the development of the material industry. However, as the professional materials of model making, they are still few and far from meeting the requirements of model making. In a sense, materials limit the form of expression of the model and bring some limitations to the model making.
With the continuous development of material science and driven by commercial behavior, the basic materials and professional materials required for model making show a diversified trend. Model making will not stay on the use of existing materials, but explore, develop and use all kinds of new materials. The semi-finished materials for model making will become more and more with the specialization of model making.
材料的仿真度将随着高科技的发展而有重大提高,其视觉表现力优先于它的理性化特性。模型制作是一种微缩的艺术仿真制作,材料的仿真程度关系着制作者的表达。从目前来看,模型的仿真还属于较低层次,远远不能满足模型制作的要求。这种材料滞后现象的产生,主要是受两个方面的影响:其一,模型制作的发展还未进入一个规模化的生产。模型制作从开发到应用,未能进入一个良性循环,因此商业因素是材料产生滞后现象的根本原因。其二,目前的加工工艺、磨具制作等非商业因素的水平,还不能满足高仿真化模型材料制作的要求。 我们应该看到,这种滞后现象只是一个暂时的过程,必将随着模型制作业的发展和未来高科技的发展而消失。随着模型业与其他行业的不断交融,不同的各类材料将在模型上得以运用,其表现效果会越来越好。
The simulation degree of materials will be greatly improved with the development of high technology, and its visual expression takes precedence over its rational characteristics. Model making is a miniature art simulation making, and the simulation degree of materials is related to the expression of the producer. At present, the simulation of the model is still at a low level, which is far from meeting the requirements of model making. The lag phenomenon is mainly caused by two aspects: first, the development of model making has not yet entered a large-scale professional production. Model making failed to enter a virtuous cycle from development to application, so commercial factors are the root cause of material lag. Second, the current level of non-commercial factors such as processing technology and abrasive tool manufacturing can not meet the requirements of high simulation model material manufacturing. We should see that this lag phenomenon is only a temporary process, which will disappear with the development of model making industry and the development of high technology in the future. With the continuous integration of the model industry and other industries, different types of materials will be used in the model, and its performance effect will be better and better.
2. Form of expression
目前,模型的表现大都根据需要和可能来制定具体的表现形式。特别是建筑模型,因为主要是围绕房地产业的发展、建筑设计的展示和建筑学的教学来进行的,其形式更加如此。因此,就其表现形式来看,建筑模型是较为单一的,主要是以具象的形式进行表现的。展望未来,这种具象的形式仍将采用。但随着人们观念上的变化和对模型制作这门造型艺术的深层次理解和认识,则将会产生更多的表现形式。 未来的、新的表现形式则侧重于其艺术性、观赏性与研究性的抽象表现形式。
At present, the performance of the model is mostly based on the needs and possibilities to formulate specific forms. Especially architectural model, because it is mainly carried out around the development of real estate industry, the display of architectural design and the teaching of architecture, its form is even more so. Therefore, in terms of its form of expression, the architectural model is relatively single, mainly in the form of concrete expression. Looking forward to the future, this concrete form will still be adopted. However, with the change of people's concept and the deep understanding and understanding of the plastic art of model making, more forms of expression will be produced. The future and new forms of expression focus on its artistic, ornamental and research abstract forms of expression.
3. Tools
The tool of model making is an important factor restricting the level of model making. At present, manual and semi mechanized processing are mostly used in model making. Sheet metal, woodworking and processing tools are mostly used for processing and production tools, and professional production tools are few. This phenomenon is mainly due to the fact that the model making has not yet entered a professional production scale. It is this phenomenon that restricts the improvement of the model making level. However, from the current development and future development trend of foreign tool industry, with the development of model making industry and material industry and the needs of professional processing, model making tools will develop towards systematization and specialization, and the level of model making will be further improved at that time.
4. Intelligent and dynamic
近年来,尽管模型制作的表现已经非常细腻,而且灯光效果也非常抓人,但往往还是不能满足实际需求。讲究功能的完备、形式上与真实感的统一,都要求模型改变传统静态的展示形式。以房地产销售模型为例,十年前不用模型售楼,仅用图纸贴在墙上说明即可;六年前只要用一般模型能够清晰表达空间关系即可,一年前则要求用精确的带灯光的模型;近年来开始研究采用多媒体计算机控制的声、光、电一体模型,即解说讲到哪里,电影画面演示到哪里。而且还采用遥控静音双语播双解说系统,同时模型以外的环境氛围灯也全部采用电脑控制, 根据情节的需要调节气氛。 5、制作工艺 手工制作模型是沿袭下来的一种传统制作方法。从出土的古代陶土模型来看,其手工指间的痕迹很重,那是因为当时制作工作的匮乏,一些基本的科技只能靠手工和指间的感觉来保证;到了传说中的鲁班师傅搭建角楼模型的时候,斧、凿、刀、锯、刨等铁制作专门工具已经具备了,所以角楼中的梁、栋、拱等就能到具体的表现了。而现在的模型制作中,卡纸、ABS工程塑料板等大量运用,大量专门工具和电脑雕刻机的出现,无不体现计算机CAD辅助设计的强大威力,使得其精度和效率都获得极大的提高。
In recent years, although the performance of model making has been very delicate, and the lighting effect is also very attractive, it often can not meet the actual needs. Paying attention to the completeness of function and the unity of form and reality require the model to change the traditional static display form. Take the real estate sales model as an example. Ten years ago, the model was not used for sales, but only pasted on the wall with drawings; Six years ago, as long as the general model could clearly express the spatial relationship, a year ago, it was required to use an accurate model with light; In recent years, it has begun to study the integrated model of sound, light and electricity controlled by multimedia computer, that is, where the explanation is told and where the film picture is demonstrated. In addition, the remote-controlled silent Bilingual Broadcasting and double interpretation system is also adopted. At the same time, the ambient atmosphere lights outside the model are all controlled by computer to adjust the atmosphere according to the needs of the plot. 5. Manufacturing process hand-made model is a traditional manufacturing method. From the unearthed ancient clay model, the traces of manual fingertips are very heavy, because there was a lack of production work at that time, and some basic technologies can only be guaranteed by hand and fingertips; When the legendary master Luban built the turret model, special tools for iron production such as axe, chisel, knife, saw and planer have been available, so the beams, buildings and arches in the turret can be expressed in detail. In the current model making, paper jam, ABS engineering plastic board and a large number of special tools and computer engraving machines are widely used, which all reflect the powerful power of CAD, and greatly improve its accuracy and efficiency.