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您当前所在位置 首页>> kaiyun平台信誉好 >> kaiyun平台手机网页版 变形金刚一般会在游乐场所使用的原因?



变形金刚应该有规律的清洁,并且放在干燥的环境里来保护。用手拿时好带上手套,防止手上汗水里的盐腐蚀。云开全站app登录入口官网 上的污垢如果太重,先用冷风电吹风吹一下。然后用麦杆刷清洁,后用软毛刷收尾。千万不要用金属抛光剂、水、其他任何溶剂。那样会让铜器掉色。云开全站app登录入口官网 缝隙,我们可以用口水把棉花球弄湿再擦,沿着裂缝从头擦到尾,以免遗漏。一年一次,给铜器薄薄地上层微晶蜡,就是那种无色蜡。

Transformers should be cleaned regularly and protected in a dry environment. It's best to wear gloves when holding it by hand to prevent the salt corrosion in the sweat on your hands. If the dirt on the transformer model is too heavy, blow it with a cold air blower first. Then clean with a straw brush, and finally finish with a soft brush. Never use metal polishing agent, water or any other solvent. That will fade the bronze. For the crack of the transformer model, we can wet the cotton ball with saliva and wipe it from head to tail along the crack to avoid omission. Once a year, give the copper a thin layer of microcrystalline wax, that is, the colorless wax.

云开全站app登录入口官网 的优点:

Advantages of transformer model:


1. Advantages of steel material: it is not easy to rust, easy to clean, strong wind resistance and durable. It has become the mainstream of modern urban model.

2、表面处理:云开全站app登录入口官网 本身的颜色银白色,具有光泽。也可根据需求为雕塑上不同的颜色,一般为汽车漆。


2. Surface treatment: the color of the transformer model itself is silver white and shiny. It can also be painted in different colors on the sculpture according to needs, generally automobile paint.


3. Usage: This product is suitable for parks, squares, gardens, shopping malls, botanical gardens, hotels, residential areas, hotels, guild halls and other outdoor and internal places.

大云开全站app登录入口官网 是常见的城市模型。本产品适于公园、花园、广场、、酒店、植物园、住宅区、宾馆、会馆等室外、内场所。

The big transformer model is a common urban model. This product is suitable for parks, gardens, squares, shopping malls, hotels, botanical gardens, residential areas, hotels, guild halls and other outdoor and internal places.

经营市场中,云开全站app登录入口官网 脱颖而出,予以受人关注,喜欢,城市的大规模改善情况,大型变形金刚产品,美化我们的城市,材质的优式,给我们城市做了很大的贡献。云开全站app登录入口官网 其特有的活泼、明亮、不易污染、与现代都市生活相符等特点,已经逐渐被大众接受,在市场上所占的份额越来越大,生活中我们到处可以见到大型变形金刚,在设计时都充分利用其装饰作用,给整个大环境起了很大的烘托作用。它整体的光感很强不容易损坏而且有整体感觉。走过很多地方,到处可以看到模型作为装饰物在室内起到画龙点睛的作用。

In the business market, the transformer model stands out and is most concerned and liked by people. The large-scale improvement of the city, the large-scale transformer products, the beautification of our city and the excellent material have made a great contribution to our city. The transformer model has the characteristics of being lively, bright, not easy to pollute and consistent with modern urban life. It has been gradually accepted by the public and accounts for an increasing share in the market. We can see large transformers everywhere in our life. We make full use of its decorative role in the design, which has played a great role in setting off the whole environment. It has a strong sense of light, is not easy to damage, and has an overall feeling. Walking through many places, you can see that the model, as a decoration, plays the role of the finishing touch in the interior.


The above is the knowledge about large-scale robot model making provided by Xiaobian. Please continue to pay attention to our website for more wonderful contents: //m.leshep.com
