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大云开全站app登录入口官网 安装方位介绍


  Move the appropriately sized transformers to the correct location in the order from inside to installation, first install the transformers inside, and then come out one by one to begin installation. Only the integrity of the combination can ensure its good application without confusing the order and position.
  你要问一个的安装人员作为的变形模型制造商模型安装过程中将采取各种措施来确保模型安装。云开全站app登录入口官网 和是一个大项目它看起来很简单。但是安装时也要注意因为涉及到水火电等连接。这将确保使用人员。
  You need to ask a professional installer as a professional deformation model manufacturer to take various measures to ensure model installation during the model installation process. The Transformers model is a large project that looks very simple. However, attention should also be paid during installation as it involves connections such as water, fire, and electricity. This will ensure the use of personnel.
  购买前要量好空间来决定购买云开全站app登录入口官网 的尺寸选择静态还是动态如果选择动态还要设计好市电的电路问题保证你的变形金刚大模型安装以后能达到程度的吸睛效果和效果。
  Before purchasing, it is important to measure the space to decide whether to choose static or dynamic size for the transformer model. If you choose dynamic size, it is also important to design the power supply circuit to ensure that your transformer model can achieve a certain degree of eye-catching effect and effect after installation.
  安装美观位置要方便尺寸要适当。如果在安装过程中注意到所有问题大云开全站app登录入口官网 将安装得非常顺利使用起来非常有吸引力这样可以保证的质量和商家的声誉。随着越来越多的变形金刚大模型业务开展变形金刚行业也在不断增长。
  The installation location should be convenient and the size should be appropriate. If all issues are noticed during the installation process, the Transformers model will be installed very smoothly and used very attractively, which can ensure the quality and reputation of the merchant. As more and more Transformers big model businesses are launched, the Transformers industry is also constantly growing.