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如何群众性的航空模型运动得到蓬勃发展,运动水平迅速提高。那么,下文是由 大型航天模型厂家为大家提供的航空模型知识讲解,欢迎大家来看。
How to make the mass aviation model movement flourish and improve the sports level rapidly. Then, the following is an explanation of aviation model knowledge provided by large aerospace model manufacturers. Welcome to see it.
1. Lift and drag
The reason why aircraft and model aircraft can fly is that the lift of wings overcomes gravity. The lift of the wing is caused by the difference between the upper and lower air pressure of the wing. When the model flies in the air, the air velocity on the upper surface of the wing increases and the pressure decreases; The air velocity on the lower surface of the wing slows down and the pressure increases (Bernoulli's law). This is the cause of the pressure difference between the upper and lower wings.
There are two reasons for the variation of the upper and lower velocity of the wing: a. asymmetric airfoil; b. The wing has an angle of attack with the relative airflow. An airfoil is the shape of an airfoil section. The airfoil profile is mostly asymmetric, with the following straight arcs curving upward (flat convex type) and the upper and lower arcs curving upward (concave convex type). Symmetrical airfoils must have a certain angle of attack to generate lift.
The lift force mainly depends on four factors: a. The lift force is proportional to the wing area; b. The lift is proportional to the square of the aircraft speed. Under the same conditions, the faster the flight speed, the greater the lift; c. The lift is related to the airfoil. Generally, the lift of an asymmetric airfoil wing is large; d. The lift is related to the angle of attack. When the angle of attack is small, the lift (coefficient) increases linearly with the angle of attack. When the angle of attack reaches a certain limit, the lift decreases rapidly when the angle of attack increases. This boundary is called the critical angle of attack.
Wing and horizontal tail generate drag in addition to lift, and other components generally only generate drag.
2. Level flight
Horizontal uniform straight flight is called level flight. Level flight is the basic flight attitude. The condition for maintaining level flight is that lift equals gravity and pull equals resistance. Since the lift and drag are related to the flight speed, if the horsepower of an original model in level flight is increased, the pull will be greater than the drag to speed up the flight.
When the flight speed is increased, the lift will increase, and the model will climb gradually when the lift is greater than the gravity. In order to make the model maintain level flight under higher horsepower and flight speed, the angle of attack must be reduced accordingly. On the contrary, in order to maintain level flight of the model at low horsepower and speed, it is necessary to increase the angle of attack accordingly. Therefore, the control (adjustment) of the model to level flight is essentially the correct match of engine horsepower and flight angle of attack.
3. Climb
As mentioned earlier, when the model is in level flight, if you increase the horsepower, it will turn to climb. The included angle formed by the climbing track and the horizontal plane is called the climbing angle. A certain horsepower may reach a new force balance under a certain climbing angle, and the model will enter a stable climbing state (speed and climbing angle remain unchanged). The specific conditions for stable climbing are: the tension is equal to the drag plus the backward component of gravity (F="X+Gsin θ); The lift is equal to another component of gravity (Y=GCos θ)。 When climbing, part of the gravity is borne by the tension, so a larger tension is required, and the lifting force is reduced.
Similar to peaceful flight, in order to maintain a stable climb at a certain angle of climb, proper matching of horsepower and angle of attack is also required. If this match is broken, you will not be able to maintain a stable climb. For example, the increase of horsepower will lead to the increase of speed, lift and climbing angle. If the horsepower is too large, the climbing angle will increase continuously, and the model will climb along the arc track, which is a common phenomenon of rollover.
4. Gliding
Gliding is a flight without power. When gliding, the resistance of the model is balanced by the component of gravity, so gliding can only fly downward along an oblique line. The angle between the glide path and the horizontal plane is called glide angle.
The condition for stable gliding (both gliding angle and gliding speed remain unchanged) is that the resistance is equal to the forward component of gravity (X=GSin θ); The lift is equal to another component of gravity (Y=GCos θ)。
Gliding angle is an important aspect of gliding performance. The smaller the gliding angle, the farther the gliding distance at the same altitude. The ratio of the glide distance (L) to the descent height (h) is called the glide ratio (k). The glide ratio is equal to the cotangent glide ratio of the glide angle and the ratio of the model lift to the drag (lift drag ratio).
滑翔速度是滑翔性能的另一个重要方面。模型升力系数越大,滑翔速度越小;模型翼载荷越大,滑翔速度越大。调整某一架模型飞机时,主要用升降调整片和前后移动来改变机翼迎角以达到改变滑翔状态的目的。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //m.leshep.com咨询了解吧!
Gliding speed is another important aspect of gliding performance. The larger the lift coefficient of the model is, the smaller the gliding speed is; The higher the model wing load, the higher the gliding speed. When adjusting a certain model aircraft, the main purpose is to change the angle of attack of the wing by moving the lift adjustment piece and the center of gravity forward and backward to change the gliding state. Come to our website for more information //m.leshep.com Ask and understand!