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The only clear standard is that it is not easy for people to stop exploring the truth. In the process of continuous self denial and self-improvement, the plastic art of contemporary robot model exhibition will finally move towards a new beginning. The definition of large robot models has just begun to diversify. Art works are placed in many venues, reflecting that the Chinese people's understanding of "Chinese sculpture" is gradually complex and intelligent.


Relatively speaking, large robot models belong to new resources and will have some new advantages. But no matter what kind of works of art, if they are excellent works of art, they are warmly welcomed by everyone.


The design style of large and medium-sized robot models is different, and the manufacturing skills are unusual, which promotes the unified and stereotyped building types to have personality characteristics and diversified design styles. The characteristic clothing, food, housing and transportation residential community has occupied more and more urban forms, and the development trend of large city entity model will move towards humanization with the change of natural environment and mass concept.


If a robot model wants to give full play to its real use value, it is not enough to rely on the solid model works themselves. The reasons why a successful robot model work makes the audience satisfied are in all aspects, mainly including the way elements of solid model design, design scheme, processing technology, manufacturing skills and other aspects, Only by discovering new things from daily life can we inherit the traditional style as soon as possible and create the traditional style to endanger the future.

机器人模型的特性与装饰功效大机器人模型是在传统式石雕工艺品的基本上发展趋势起來的一种兴新雕塑作品类型,由于其独 有的光亮、开朗、不容易环境污染、与当代现代都市生活相符合等特性,早已慢慢被大家接纳,在销售市场上所占的市场份额愈来愈大,慢慢有超出传统式实体模型的发展趋势;日常生活人们四处能够看到大中型机器人,咖啡厅、酒店餐厅、饭店等都灵活运用其裝饰功效,给全部大自然环境起了挺大的衬托功效。

The robot model has great characteristics and decorative effect. The robot model is a new type of sculpture based on the basic development trend of traditional stone carving crafts. Because of its unique characteristics of brightness, openness, not easy to environmental pollution and consistent with contemporary modern urban life, it has long been accepted by everyone and occupies an increasing market share in the sales market, Gradually, it has a development trend beyond the traditional solid model; In daily life, people can see large and medium-sized robots everywhere. Coffee shops, hotels, restaurants and restaurants flexibly use their decorative effects to set off the whole natural environment.
