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大型开云网页登录 船舶模型的制作


C1级 使用帆和桨的船舶模型。包括各种帆船(以风为主要动力)、摇撸船、桨船、维京海盗船、小划子、舢板、贡都拉(威尼斯小舟)、独木舟等。帆船上是否张挂风帆由制造者选定。

C1 class ship model with sails and oars. It includes various sailboats (mainly driven by wind), swaying boats, paddle boats, Viking pirate boats, canoes, sampans, gondolas, canoes, etc. It is up to the manufacturer to decide whether to set sail on a sailing boat.

C2级 机械动力船舶的模型。包括驳船模型和有一面辅助帆的捕鱼船模型。

The model of C2 mechanical power ship. It includes barge model and fishing boat model with one auxiliary sail.

C3级 船舶设备或船舶局部的模型。包括船体剖面、甲板建筑,与船体有联系或独立完整的一部分。船舶部件,如绞盘、系缆柱、连同吊艇架的小艇、吊车、锚机等。

C3 class ship equipment or partial ship model. It includes the hull section, deck building, and a complete part of the hull. Ship parts, such as capstan, bollard, small boat with davit, crane, windlass, etc.


It consists of no less than three models or local models, including the demonstration of action scenes composed of ships, navigation signs, floating equipment without their own power, the demonstration of wharf and shipyard equipment, the demonstration of ship development stage, etc. Navigation and shipbuilding scene model (unlimited scale).



C3 is divided into a, B, C and D

C3-A 港口和船坞设备,码头、船闸等。 C3-B 木质船舶模型。 C3-C 水线以上部分的船舶模型。 C3-D 船舶的一部分,船上设备,纵、横剖面或局部。

C3-a port and dock equipment, docks, locks, etc. C3-b wooden ship model. The ship model above c3-c waterline. Part of a c3-d ship, equipment on board, longitudinal, transverse or partial.

C4级 微型航海模型

C4 micro navigation model


1: 250 or smaller scale C1-C3 models (excluding scenes).


C4 is divided into four types: A, B, C and D

C4-A 帆船模型(同C1级)。 C4-B 机械动力船舶的模型(同C2级)。 C4-C 船舶的局部或船舶设备、剖面、片断等模型(同C3级)。 C4-D 由少三个模型组成的帆船或动力船的发展演示。

C4-a sailboat model (same as C1). C4-b mechanical power ship model (same as C2 level). C4-c ship's local or ship's equipment, section, fragment and other models (same as C3 level). C4-d is a demonstration of the development of a sailing or power boat consisting of at least three models.

C5级 玻璃瓶装航海模型。

C5 glass bottle navigation model.


The navigation model placed in the glass container should be made according to the scale of the ship, which can be the existing or existing sea going ship or river going ship, or part of them. It can also be the display of dock and shipyard equipment and the whole navigation scene.

C6级 塑料拼装模型。

C6 plastic assembly model.


It is made of commercially available marine model sets. It is allowed to use other materials to make partial changes to the casing, and the changed parts should be confirmed by original data or photos.

C7级 纸板、纸质模型。

C7 grade paperboard and paper model.


A navigation model made of paper.


There are two types of C7

C7-A 商业套材作成的纸质模型,不允许采用其它材料。索具可用其它材料,内部可用其它材料加固,此外,不允许有改变。 C7-B 商业套材制作的纸质模型,可以采用其它材料,但必須是纸模型的特点。

The paper model made of c7-a commercial casing is not allowed to use other materials. The rigging can be reinforced with other materials and the interior can be reinforced with other materials. In addition, no change is allowed. The paper model made of c7-b commercial nesting material can use other materials, but it must be the characteristics of the paper model.


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