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Maintenance knowledge 1: Environment

保养云开全站app登录入口官网 重要的关就是环境,它所处的环境必须保持干燥且没有尘埃和空气污染物等!它所处的温室温度好控制在18℃-24℃,湿度在40%-50%。

The most important first step to maintain the transformer model is the environment, which must be kept dry and free of dust and air pollutants! The temperature of the greenhouse should be controlled at 18 ℃ - 24 ℃, and the humidity should be 40% - 50%.


Maintenance knowledge 2: Defense

我们在保养云开全站app登录入口官网 时,就要学会防御一些外界的有害化学物质,如:酸类、氯化物等等!还要就是在移动云开全站app登录入口官网 时搬运工一定要手戴棉比手套放可移动,不让大家直接用手碰触模型的原因就是以免手上的汗腐蚀到它。

When we maintain the transformer model, we should learn to defend against some harmful chemicals from the outside world, such as acids, chlorides and so on. In addition, when moving the transformer model, the porter must wear cotton in his hand, which is more movable than gloves. The reason why we don't let people touch the model directly is to prevent the sweat on his hands from corroding it.



Maintenance knowledge 3: cleaning


When cleaning large transformers, you should not be careful. You must use a clean and soft cloth to wipe away the dust. For some parts of the model that are not easy to wipe with cloth, you'd better use a brush or a vacuum cleaner to blow away the dust.

铁艺变形金刚一般是户外模型居多,由于其特点是不易生锈,而且外表光鲜做室外模型再适合不过了,但是在室外难免会受到各种腐蚀,虽然钢的性质是惰性的但是也难免会生锈,那么我们应该怎样防止云开全站app登录入口官网 生锈呢?

Most of the iron transformers are outdoor models. Because they are not easy to rust and have a bright appearance, it's very suitable to make outdoor models. However, they will inevitably be corroded outdoors. Although the steel is inert, it will inevitably rust. So how can we prevent the transformers from rusting?

铁艺变形金刚在生活中非常常见,一般的城市中都有它的存在,不锈钢材质具有耐空气、蒸汽、水等弱腐蚀介质和酸、碱、盐等化学浸蚀性介质腐蚀的特性,因为云开全站app登录入口官网 有诸多的优越性,所以很多的城市模型以钢材质为材料。

Iron transformers are very common in our life. They exist in general cities. Stainless steel has the characteristics of corrosion resistance to weak corrosive media such as air, steam and water and chemical corrosive media such as acid, alkali and salt. Because transformer models have many advantages, many city models are made of steel.

云开全站app登录入口官网 也有自己的优点:表面处理:云开全站app登录入口官网 本身的颜色银白色,具有光泽。适于公园、植物园、花园、住宅区、广场、、酒店、宾馆、会馆等室外、内场所。不容易生锈,容易清洁,抗风能力强,经久耐用,成为城市的主流模型。

Transformer model also has its own advantages: surface treatment: the color of transformer model itself is silver white, with luster. Suitable for parks, botanical gardens, gardens, residential areas, squares, shopping malls, hotels, hotels, clubs and other outdoor and internal places. Not easy to rust, easy to clean, strong wind resistance, durable, become the mainstream model of the city.
